Thursday, May 17, 2012

Quicker Than We Thought!!

Glacial Drumlin Trail 5_17_2012

Whew!! How did 60 minutes pass so fast? Must come from so much to see.!! At first I was sort of disappointed, for all I could see was flocks blooming. As we were walking, I heard so many different types of birds chirping. I couldn't place some of the chirps, so I looked for them, but they had too many great hiding spots. After that I noticed that the smell of the flocks was delicious, and from there I saw many different flowers that were new since our last walk.

Charlotte was so excited! She had to go ahead of me and see everything FIRST! She was this way and that way smelling everything!! On the way back I tried to get her to just take a 1 minute rest on the bench and you would think it was torture! Her head was this way and that!!

Here are a few pics of Charlotte and the different flowers. Enjoy!

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