Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Another Beautiful Day!

A Longer Walk.....

  Mom, Charlotte and I went for another walk on the Glacial Drumlin Trail.  Only this time, we went to the part that is actually in Lake Mills.  We parked by the little building and walked towards Sandy Beach.  We went past the beach and kept going to the Trestle bridge.  It is usually being used by fishermen, but we had the bridge to ourselves. 


The excitement of the walk, was to see a turtle digging to lay her eggs.  I took pictures and a video of her digging.  Then it was time to let her be and walk on.

She actually scooted up backwards to get away from the water!!

Charlotte decided she didn't like the lake!

   It was a good day to walk.  We enjoyed it very much!  Then we stopped at the Sand Bar, where I was able to get water and soda for all of us.  Soon we were ready to head back down the trail to get to the car.  We moved quick to get away from the mosquitos and then I got bit by a bee!  Little insect creatures seem to really like me!!!  :)
C'mon Mom, I am ready to go back now!

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